About Me…

Hello, my name is Colleen Enns. I am a Registered Acupuncturist at The Practice.

I’ve always had a passion for helping people so after High School I took my Nursing Baccalaureate Degree at a RRC/UM joint program. Throughout my nursing career I worked on Medical/Surgical units to help people get better and have their symptoms improve.

My first exposure to acupuncture was after hearing it can help food allergies/intolerances.  After several appointments, my allergies/intolerance disappeared. I quickly saw the benefits of acupuncture and sought treatment for my thyroid issues and chronic back pain.

15 years into my nursing career, I realized the biggest challenge of my health journey was my career.  I needed to make a career change.  I soon enrolled into a local acupuncture college knowing first had the benefits of it.

I strongly believe that our bodies were made to heal.  We just need to give them the right tools and support for that healing to happen.

Now I work in an amazing clinic where I help people along their health journey in a more natural and holistic way. I have a passion for helping people get to the root cause of their health issues by doing a thorough intake, providing acupuncture treatments, and offering guidance in lifestyle changes.